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Communications and Marketing

630 Pioneer Drive
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-3184
fax: (248) 370-3182

Communications and Marketing

630 Pioneer Drive
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-3184
fax: (248) 370-3182


As one of the most important aspects of our reputation, the Oakland University brand represents who we are as an institution.

The OU brand is a reflection of the thoughts and feelings of our students, 校友, partners and the greater community. It's these perceptions — what we think and feel when we see or hear the Golden Grizzlies in action — that help to shape the golden identity of OU.


  • 或者是 relentlessly determined, overcoming every challenge with creativity and resourcefulness.
  • 或者是 the gateway to adventure in Detroit and beyond, opening doors to diverse opportunities and greeting change with confidence and curiosity.
  • OU是一个 force for growth and progress, cultivating lives of success through academic programs and empowering students to meet goals and thrive in a competitive world.

The Oakland University brand is not just its logos, mascot and colors. The OU brand is composed of all the perceptions of students, 校友, partners and the greater community. It is what one thinks and feels when they see or hear the Golden Grizzlies in action. 品牌 is the controlled voice that conveys the university's ideal purpose, promise and personality.

What is the Value of a Brand?

The brand, although intangible, is one of the most valuable assets to an institution. With directed branding, OU是一个ble to clearly communicate what we stand for and what we hope to be, while always remaining credible and reflecting reality. Loyalty is created when the university connects emotionally with our audience, with the ultimate goal of motivating action. This ultimately influences student and faculty recruitment, 校友 participation, fundraising efforts, partenships, and broader social engagements.

Why 品牌指导方针?

The OU brand is a singular voice that represents many. Because of this, consistency in that voice is a must. Through consistency, we are able to build credibility and a solid shared understanding by those who perceive the brand. In order to ensure consistency, a style guide was created as a platform for the OU community and beyond to preserve the look and feel of the brand. Collaboration is at the core of OU’s personality and by speaking a unified voice throughout campus, we can create a bigger impact.