

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482



理由是: To notify the community about the appropriate procedures and locations by which groups or individuals may be permitted to Post printed material on 韦德体育app官网 (University) property and in University buildings.

政策: Any officially recognized University department or organization may Post materials which pertain to the 活动 of the group on any authorized bulletin board or display area, 受本政策中规定的限制和规定的约束.


Any off-campus group or individual(s) wishing to Post any materials on campus must obtain prior approval from the Center for 学生活动. If approved, this material may be posted on authorized bulletin boards or display areas. 当为一项服务做广告时, 产品, 活动或事件 which is already provided for by a University department or organization or when materials are not consistent with the University role and mission, a disclaimer must appear on each piece of posted material stating that it is not a University sponsored service, 产品, 活动或事件.


All printed material must be approved and date stamped at the Center for 学生活动 before posting on campus.


韦德体育app官网 reserves the right to deny requests from any group or individual seeking permission to post a notice on campus if that posting meets any of the criteria below.


  A.  发帖妨碍了大学的正常活动,

B.  Posting does not follow University guidelines and procedures set forth in this policy,
C.  When circumstances exist on campus which would make posting printed material inappropriate. 
D.  Posting contains contents which are in violation of University policies or ordinances, 州或联邦法律.
E.  职位安排不符合大学的角色和使命.

适用范围及适用性: This policy applies to any University or non-University group or individual wishing to post information in public areas on campus, 在校园公告栏或其他展示区域.



Post /发布: The display on any University property of printed material which advertises non-University services, 产品, 活动或事件.


官方认可的OU集团: 大学院系, 教职员工组织, 在册学生组织, 和公开大学校友组织.



I.  发布规章制度

Violating any posting regulations or requirements can result in disciplinary action and/or service charges. 违规者还可能被指控违反公共交通条例第4条.21 Signs, as published on the Student Handbook University and Regulations web page.  

A. 基本法规

1. 海报, flyers and other printed material are not to be affixed to entrance doors or windows, 家具, 卫生间的镜子, 植物, 树, poles and painted surfaces on University property and in University buildings.

2. Only thumbtacks, not staples or tape, are to be used to post printed information.

3. 投寄资料将于邮戳日期起计三十天后被删除. 投寄的邮件如未加盖日期戳,可立即删除.

4. Personal postings or advertisements are to be posted on authorized bulletin boards or display areas only.

5. Only one posting of printed material can be posted on bulletin boards and display areas.

6. 帖子必须在布告栏的框架内. 不要贴在其他印刷品的上面. 除非已经过期,否则不要删除其他已张贴的印刷品.

7. 没有张贴胶背材料(如.e. stickers) on any surfaces, including 树, poles, trash and recycling containers.

8. Posting by "chalking" can be done on sidewalks where there is no overhang and chalk can be washed away. Chalking cannot be done on any surface except sidewalks and the bridge. 禁止在人行道上涂任何油漆,包括粉笔漆.

9. Paint can be used to decorate the "spirit rocks" located outside the 奥克兰中心 and in the Hamlin Courtyard. 禁止在其他岩石上作画.  禁止在所有其他表面涂漆.

10. 禁止在任何大学停车场的车辆上张贴广告.

B. 奥克兰中心/大学住房条例

1.  横幅s can be ordered and hung in the 奥克兰中心 through the Center for 学生活动.

2.  横幅s and other printed materials to be posted in and around the residence halls must be approved by the Department of University 住房; banners and other printed materials to be posted in and around the Campus 娱乐 Center must be approved by the Department of Campus 娱乐.  横幅s are not permitted to be hung on the windows in the Fishbowl of South Foundation Hall.

3.  Placement of table tents in the 奥克兰中心 can be scheduled through the Center for 学生活动; Vandenberg Dining Center table tents through the Departmenht of University 住房.

C. 学生邮箱管理

1.  Student organization mailboxes can be used for distributing information about on-or off-campus services, 产品, 活动或事件 with approval from the Center for 学生活动.

2.  Student mailboxes in the Department of University 住房 are not available for distributing information about on-or off-campus 活动 sponsored by student organizations and off-campus groups or individuals.

D. 学生会选举规例

Postings during the annual student government elections are subject to 韦德体育app官网 Student Congress Election Commission and Center for 学生活动 posting guidelines.

E. 校园道路及入口规定

没有展示服务的促销标志, 产品, 活动, 事件, political or personal messages can be placed along the campus main perimeter roads or at main campus entrances without the approval of the Vice President for Finance and Administration or their designee. 参考OU美联社&详情请参阅p# 320校园标志.

3.  执行


For additional information about posting or to report complaints regarding violations of this policy, contact the Dean of Students Office or the Center for 学生活动.  
IV.  免责声明

通过审核和接受张贴在校园的材料, 韦德体育app官网不认可或保证服务, 产品, 活动, 事件, 在这些印刷品上刊登政治或个人信息.  


For more information on how to promote programs, 活动 and 事件 on campus, refer to http://www.奥克兰.edu/osi 关于广告的附加政策和程序.



OU美联社&p# 320校园标志


OU美联社&p# 415校园分发和征集
