
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4452
(248) 370-3465

星期一至星期五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.



Suicide is the eleventh leading cause of death in the United States and the third leading cause of death for people 15-24 years old. Suicide is often a cry for help by the individual. He or she is often feeling hopeless and helpless and thinks that suicide is the only way out of the feelings or events he or she is experiencing in his or her life.


许多因素都可能导致自杀. 这些包括:

  • Depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses (i.e. schizophrenia and personality disorders)
  • 酗酒和吸毒
  • Loss of a close friend or family member to suicide
  • 失去一段重要的关系
  • 失业:失去工作或地位
  • 学术问题
  • 财务问题
  • 严重的疾病
  • 任何人都可以自杀
  • Women are more likely to attempt, but men are more likely to complete a suicide
  • Native Americans and Caucasians have higher suicide rates

神话: Asking someone if they are suicidal will give them the idea.

事实: If they are suicidal they've already been thinking of it. If they haven't, you're not going to give them the idea. It can let them know that it is OK to talk to you about their thoughts regarding suicide because you were comfortable enough to ask them about it.

神话: 只有疯子才会想自杀.

事实: Most people have thought of suicide sometime in their lives. Most people who do attempt suicide or complete a suicide do not suffer from severe chronic mental illness. They are often confused and feel helpless about a situation.

神话: If a person is considering suicide, they are beyond help and nothing can be done.

事实: Most suicidal situations are time-limited crises and are based on unclear thinking. Finding support and solutions to help them through this crisis until they can think clearly again is important.

神话: People who make unsuccessful suicide attempts just want attention.

事实: Sometimes suicide is a way to get attention in order to get help. Just dismissing it may make things worse. Without proper help, they may make a more serious suicide attempt next time.

神话: Suicidal people are fully intent on dying and have a right to die.

事实: Many suicidal people want to live better, even while they are stating that they want to die.  Most often their suicidal communication indicates a need for relief from the intense emotional pain.

  • The majority of those who attempt suicide give warning signs.
  • They may talk about suicide and sounding helpless and hopeless.
  • They may prepare for their death by making a will, giving away possessions, or by saying good-bye.
  • Persistent sadness that seems excessive given the person's life situation.
  • Inability or unwillingness to communicate with others.
  • Psychological changes such as irritability, anxiety or withdrawal.
  • Neglect of school work, personal grooming or other routine tasks.
  • Changes in physical health such as changes in sleep habits, appetite, weight, or energy level.
  • Changes in social behavior such as inability to enjoy usual social activities, sudden and severe change in drug use or sexual activity.
  • Personal crises and major losses or rejections.
  • Preoccupation with death or preparation for death.

None of these signs alone may necessarily indicate suicidal potential or even depression, 但有几个指标, particularly if they indicate a change from the person's usual mood and style of coping, 值得密切关注.

Hints for Talking with a Suicidal Person

It takes an act of courage and compassion to reach out to the depressed person. Our culture's emphasis on privacy and individual choice make it hard to decide how to intervene if someone seems dangerously depressed. 然而, a firm and sensitive presentation of your observations and concern about a person may be the most caring thing you can do. Here are a few suggestions about approaching someone you are worried about.

  • Tell the person you have noticed a change in his/her behavior. 问问你能帮什么忙.
  • Ask if he/she is thinking about suicide.
  • Allow the person to talk and be heard; don't try to "make it all better."
  • Don't argue about whether he/she should live or die. Instead, try to listen patiently to feelings.
  • Take every suicidal act, threat, or comment seriously.
  • Encourage the person to seek professional help; provide phone numbers of the Counseling Center, 危机线, 精神科急诊室.
  • 如果这个人拒绝得到帮助, call or visit these offices yourself for support and consultation. The Dean’s office, the OU Counseling Center, or someone in authority.
  • Be sensitive to your own needs and limits. Dealing with a suicidal person can be an emotional and physical drain.